Get up and running fast on any Cribl product without shouldering the burden or costs of managing infrastructure.
In a nutshell
Cribl.Cloud is a scalable, cloud-native platform that enables you to easily access, configure, and manage Cribl services. It provides a dedicated way to customize your data engine and control your Stream, Edge, Search, and Lake environment so that you can start using them immediately. Cribl takes care of infrastructure, scaling, and security — making this the fastest and easiest way to realize the value of your Cribl data engine.
Zero-touch deployment, zero maintenance. Increase agility and speed with secure data shaping, routing, and pre-built integrations. Accelerate workflows by connecting data sources to frequent destinations. Access from any browser, anywhere.
Zero-touch deployment, zero maintenance. Increase agility and speed with secure data shaping, routing, and pre-built integrations. Accelerate workflows by connecting data sources to frequent destinations. Access from any browser, anywhere.
Use AWS spend commitment to try, buy, and consume Cribl products in Cribl.Cloud, easily track billing and usage directly on AWS Marketplace.
Use Cribl products, at any capacity, without friction. Cribl’s consumption model means you only pay for what you use. Consumption is handled through credits that can extend across various products and services, so you aren’t bound to a particular tier or service. No lengthy contract negotiations, just simple and transparent pricing. Track usage directly on the Cribl.Cloud platform.
There is 100% chance that Cribl.Cloud is available to you across AWS and Azure in the following regions: US-West-2 (Oregon), US-East-2 (Ohio), US-East-1 (Virginia), CA-Central-1 (Canada Central), EU-West-2 (London), EU-Central-1 (Frankfurt), and AP-Southeast-2 (Sydney) with more regions coming soon!
Free Trial
Get started with a free Cribl.Cloud account and use up to 1TB/day at no cost.
Nothing to install, no infrastructure to manage, no license required, no payment collected.